“Peace for our time" boasted British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain on 30 September 1938. He was in London, hailing his good work securing the Munich Agreement and the subsequent Anglo-German Declaration.
He was just in time for Hitler to roll his tanks into Poland. And then, you know, the whole WWII debacle.
COP26 looks sure to be climate justice for our time.
Joe Biden wouldn't have arrived with 85 cars if he didn't mean business. And a similar argument goes for the estimated 40 private jets used to burn into Glasgow.
[And if there is one bunch who deserve a break from searing heat, it's the Glaswegians.]
One plenary sessions, one banquet and one pithy quote at a time, these career politicians are set to save the world.
And I know what you'll say, China isn't there. Just wait until Xi hears what economy-boosting ideas the clownishly brilliant Boris comes up with! He’ll be mandating green boilers that save some energy, triple costs and don't work before you can say self-inflicted wound.
Greta's going through her little rebelious phase too. The CCP is well known for pandering to little Swedish girls without jobs.
Signs are also good that moderate voices will be shut out. Nobody wants that sort of downer on the panic. Madmen like Bjorn Lomborg need to be silenced. Their full acknowledgement that we are buggering up the planet, coupled with a level-headed analysis of the entire challenge, deflate mania. His heretical rantings like “climate change isn't the end of the world” have no place in global hysteria. And the less said about his insistence on considering the costs of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions the better.
It is surely climate justice for our time.